Collaborators Needed

We are always on the look out for collaborators. If you have a low cost housing project to contribute, are a skilled writer or researcher, or are good with running websites, then we would love to hear from you.


Share a project

If you have a low cost housing project that you’d like to share we would love to hear from you. Please tell us a bit about your project and we’ll be in touch.

Writers and Researchers

In taking Low Cost Housing Aotearoa to the next level we are on the lookout for researchers who can help advance understanding around the relative unaffordability of housing in New Zealand and shed light on ways forward. Research is needed into areas such as the barriers to low cost housing in Aotearoa, effective technologies, methods, policies and approaches to low cost housing that have been executed successfully in other countries, and how our national housing issue is contextualised within the global housing situation. If you think this sounds like you then please tell us a bit about yourself and send through a piece of work demonstrating relevant experience. Alternatively, if you have already written an article or essay that contributes to this discourse, we would be interested in posting this to the website.

Web Designers / Tech Support

We are on the lookout for tech people that are interested in helping by volunteering their time to managing and updating this website. If that sounds like it could be you please get in touch with a sample of your work.


If there is another way you feel that you can help collaborate please let us know.


You can also help by donating

So that we can do more